Movable Type version 3.16 Released Monday, April 18, 2005 Copyright 2005 Six Apart, Inc ABOUT MOVABLE TYPE Movable Type is the leading weblog publishing platform for businesses, organizations, developers, and web designers. First released in 2001 by Ben and Mena Trott, Movable Type is the most powerful and extensible weblog publishing platform on the Internet. Here are just some of the feature highlights: * Template-based custom output * Flexible static and dynamic PHP publishing * Flexible archiving by individual post, post category, or by date. * Community interaction through comments and TrackBack * Clean, powerful interface * Technical support with a paid license * Internationalization framework and localizations in many languages * Standards-based application programming interfaces (API) via Perl, Atom and XML-RPC * XML-based syndication in all common formats (Atom/RSS) * Support for most common server environments in over 8,000 combinations * Powerful plug-in architecture and plugin directory * Editable object-oriented Perl source code For more detail about these features, see: ABOUT THIS RELEASE Movable Type 3.16 addresses over one hundred issues which together offer significant improvements to application security, reliability and usability from all previous versions. We give this our strongest upgrade recommendation for all users. Here are just a few of the highlights of Movable Type 3.16: * Fixed email notifications for entries and comments which were broken for some users in the last release * Fixed several bugs affecting customers running Movable Type on Windows servers including a plugin API bug that caused broken links to plugin configuration screens * Fixed a bug with AltTemplatePath that now allows you to easily and completely customize your MT application * Made significant improvements to the posting interfaces including numerous bug fixes with QuickPost and hierarchical display of categories * Implemented better error checking and data validation throughout the program leading to fewer dead-ends and cryptic error messages * Fixed several issues with dynamic publishing For a complete list of all of the changes, see: The Movable Type changelog: Known issues list: REQUIREMENTS Movable Type requires a standard web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or higher, Netscape 7.x or higher, Apple Safari, Mozilla or Mozilla Firefox) to use and administer as well as a means for transmitting files to a remote server (FTP client, SCP etc). Movable Type also requires a web server and a SQL-based database (recommended) or BerkeleyDB for storage of data. The application has been tested and runs on the following: Operating Systems: * Linux * Solaris/Unix * BSD * Mac OS X * Windows Server Web Servers: * Apache * Microsoft IIS * Netscape Databases: * MySQL * Berkeley DB * PostgreSQL * SQLite INSTALLATION/UPGRADE If you are installing Movable Type for the first time, see the Installation documentation at: If you are upgrading, the upgrade documentation can be found at IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are upgrading from Movable Type 3.1 or higher, version 3.16 is a simple drop-in replacement and does NOT require the execution of an upgrade script. If you're running a version older than 3.1, you should consult the upgrade documentation above for details on how to upgrade. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP If you need further help and are a paid licensee of Movable Type, you can use the help ticket system at: Simply log into your account and file a ticket and our support staff will be happy to help you. The Movable Type Manual is the first stop for nearly all questions regarding use of the application and can be found at: The entire manual (including the installation and upgrade instructions mentioned above) is also included in this distribution in the 'docs' folder, but the documentation on the Six Apart website always reflects the most recent information and updates available. The Movable Type Community Forums are also a good resource of user-to-user help for a wide range of problems. The can be found at: OTHER RESOURCES For the latest news about Movable Type, check the MT News blog at: Our Professional Network is also a resource for developers and power users: Finally, one of the greatest strengths of Movable Type is its extensibility through its plugin API. The Six Apart Plugin Directory is a repository for hundreds of contributions from our users which represent a variety of enhancements to the system: ABOUT SIX APART, LTD Six Apart Ltd., based in San Francisco, CA, is the company behind the Movable Type publishing platform, the TypePad personal weblogging service and LiveJournal, an online community organized around personal journals. Founded by husband and wife team Ben Trott and Mena G. Trott in 2002 and funded by Neoteny Co., Ltd. and August Capital, Six Apart's sole focus is to create tools that enable millions of individuals, organizations and corporations to participate in the Web's full potential by publishing their ideas on the Internet with simple, yet powerful software and services. For more information about Six Apart, TypePad, Movable Type and LiveJournal, visit the Six Apart corporate weblog at Six Apart is a trademark of Six Apart Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.